Tom Serio is a freelance photographer/writer, specializing in yachts and boats, aviation, homes/real estate, etc.
He is one of the best in the Business and is well respected throughout the industry.
You see some of Tom’s work on his Facebook page and website.
Thanks for stopping by my website. I have a diverse portfolio of images, including aviation, auto racing, and others. But my primary focus has been in the marine industry, mainly yachts and boats.
As a freelance photographer, I have been offered the opportunities to step aboard some of the beautiful yachts in the world, capturing not just their opulence but a bit of their soul. My work has been published in the U.S., U.K., Italy and Germany.
Complimenting my photography is my writing, freelancing for publications such as The Triton newspaper,, SEA Magazine, Boote Exclusiv, Lakeland Boating, Yachting, Southern Boating, and others.
I’ll be adding more as I develop this website, so come back often.
Have a great day!
Rick McCawley is an especially dynamic force in the creative community in South Florida.
He is not only an exceptional photographer, Rick is also at the forefront in AI/Artificial Intelligence space.
Rick McCawley is a Photographer, Design Thinker and Professor of Graphic Design at Broward College, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
As a diver from age 14 Rick has made over 2000 dives.
In 13 years as a staff photographer for the Miami Herald (1980-1993), he was shot at during riots, dove to capture the first photos of the rediscovered treasure ship Nuestra Señora de Atocha with Mel Fischer the day it was rediscovered, and lived in a trailer photographing the aftermath of Hurricane Andrew (part of the public service Pulitzer Prize team).
Other favorite assignments include shooting the Miami Dolphins, the first space shuttle launch, and four Presidents and the Pope. His photos have appeared in Time, NY Times and countless other publications.
Rick is a publisher of over 28 books on Graphic Design, Photography, and Fine Art, his latest books include an Underwater Photography Guide book he is publishing through a Kick Starter Project.
His consulting firm Digital Renaissance specializes in training and creating digital arts curriculum for Universities in the Southeast U.S.
Rick has an MA in photography from Barry University and an MFA in Graphic Design from Florida Atlantic University.
You can find Rick’s work on his website, Instagram, Youtube, and Facebook locations.